Unveiling Transformation: A Journey into the Heart of Healing

Past Life Regression Therapy

journey through lifetimes

Reincarnation - the idea that the soul is eternal and returns to a new embodied form after death. As John Lennon says  “It's just getting out of one car and getting into another”. For some, it is as matter of fact as life itself. For others it is a distant idea, unfamiliar & uncertain; quite possibly even frightening. Although some modern religions rebuke the idea of life after life, many individuals hailing from the west have felt the call to explore and embrace alternative philosophies addressing a fundamental question: why are we here? Many take comfort in the possibility that there may be more to the story than this one single life we lead. Others may notice hesitation and take a pause in a belief system challenging a long-held assumption that you only live once.  

No matter which camp you fall into, Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) can be a refreshing tool to help address stuck patterns, troubled relationships, or seemingly out-of-context phobias amongst other mental health maladies. One does not need to believe in the idea of life after life in order to have a powerful experience within this space; sometimes having the opportunity to witness the mind's interpretation of an issue within a dream-like context is enough to loosen the problem’s grip on your current reality.

If you are in therapy or have never been but notice you fixate on not understanding why problems in your life show up then Past Life Regression Therapy could help by offering an alternative lens through which to view the problem. Having a new perspective offers peace of mind and a newfound understanding of why things are the way they are.   

What are the origins of Past Life Regression Therapy?

So where did this magical-sounding therapy originate? PLRT was stumbled upon in 1952 by an amateur hypnotherapist, Morey Bernstein, who guided a woman to the memory of a past life as a 19th-century Irish Woman. The technique was later expanded upon in the 1980s by Dr. Brian Weiss, a Yale-trained psychiatrist who did not initially believe in reincarnation. He began to explore the topic when his long-standing patient began to speak about past lives while undergoing regular hypnotherapy sessions. Despite his initial skepticism, Dr. Weiss noticed that once his patients witnessed the supposed source of their issues in the context of a “past life” they were seemingly freed from the associated issues that plagued their present reality. 

I was trained by Dr. Brian Weiss in 2019, 40 years after his first experiences with past life regression therapy. Since my training, I have worked with hundreds of people, in individual sessions, in groups, and workshops. I have witnessed firsthand the powerful nature of this technique and seen clients' relationships with others and themselves drastically shift for the better due to the awareness gained within this state of non-ordinary consciousness. 

Brief overview of Past Life Regression Therapy

In order to access the state of non-ordinary consciousness, the PLRT-trained facilitator will use guided relaxation techniques so your conscious mind relaxes, allowing you to tap into the wisdom of your subconscious mind. Within this deeply relaxed state, you remain in full control of your body and mind, able to access long-forgotten memories and experiences. You will work with the trained therapist to ensure you feel entirely safe, held, and guided while in this dream-like state. You are still able to talk and communicate and are invited to do so as you explore this subconscious landscape together.  

Some participants experience these memories as though they are in their body, experiencing the occurrences firsthand. Others note feeling as though they are watching the memories as if from above. In either case, individuals report feeling the emotions and sensations as if the moment was occurring in real time. I believes it is important to enter these experiences with curiosity, allowing the participant to explore whatever comes up without the need to immediately make meaning; that part will come later. 

Possible outcomes of PLRT

While facilitating PLRT sessions, I have found that dreamlike experiences for clients can yield a newfound sense of understanding. I have seen clients come to peace with their relationships with others after realizing roles have been reversed in previous incarnations. Some have realized and abolished embodied fears and anxieties that have long been irrelevant upon recognizing their origin in previous lived experiences. Countless individuals have come to cultivate a strong sense of self-compassion upon integration of the experiences witnessed throughout these sessions.

Ultimately, I believe

There is immense power in relinquishing the need to make meaning and allowing the meaning to come to you in a highly relaxed state

In a world in which we are programmed to constantly use our analytical brain, leaning into our heartfelt areas of the brain allows participants to just be, see, and experience. To connect to layers that are a part of you and your experiences, without judgment, can be a revolutionary, healing act - Past Life Regression Therapy is a wonderful tool to access this space. 

In-Depth Outline of the PLRT Process - Workshop or Individual Sessions

I begin these sessions by ensuring participants are comfortable in their environment, whether virtually or in person, alone, or in a group. The process differs slightly between individual and group/workshop settings. In both contexts she uses specialized guided relaxation techniques to slowly give the conscious mind permission to loosen its’ grip, allowing the thinking parts of the brain to rest in order to tap into the wisdom of the subconscious mind. Within this deeply relaxed state participants remain in full control of their body and mind. My intention is to ensure people feel entirely safe, held, and guided while in this dream-like state of consciousness and encourages them to talk and communicate; she offers an invitation to explore the subconscious landscape together.  

While the participants are engaged with their subconscious landscape, I will ask them to explore several early childhood memories including one just after birth or even in-utero. I have found these early childhood memories are often linked to the issue at hand. Being able to explore memories from current life experiences can help the person get comfortable within this new state of consciousness, allowing for a deeper experience. I guide each person to recall the sensations associated with these memories in order to help them access the creative, intuitive right hemisphere of the brain. Some participants experience these memories as though they are in their body, experiencing the occurrences firsthand. Others note they are watching the memories as if from above. In either case, individuals report feeling all the emotions and sensations as if the moment was occurring in real time. The participants will be asked to share these experiences in an individual session; if PLRT is practiced in a group or workshop setting, the person will be encouraged to explore this trance-like state on their own with more generalized guidance.

Once everyone has had some time to explore their early years in this lifetime they are then invited to open their mind to memories from previous incarnations. Several scenes are explored throughout the experience; the first typically sets the scene, which allows one to gauge their gender, age, and the environment of the previous incarnation. Following scenes provide insight into important memories from this life; critical events, relationships, and themes. When important individuals pop up in these memories, participants are invited to gaze into the eyes of these important individuals and this typically provides insight into whether or not the individual(s) is/are present in current reality.

After becoming acquainted with this lifetime over the course of several scenes, participants are asked to visit the final day of life in this particular incarnation. Although the idea of experiencing one’s own death may seem scary, this often tends to be a beautiful experience, allowing the body and mind to release into a space to understand the general purpose of this lifetime and how to apply it to current experiences. After the regression is complete, you are slowly and intentionally brought out of your deeply relaxed state and invited back to the ‘here-and-now’ to discuss your experience. 

Interested in Past Life Regression? Reach out!

Hannah Dresdner