hannah shoshana

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Holistic Psychotherapy

My mission is to aid individuals in breaking out of their head space and into their heart space for I believe it is from here where life is most enjoyable. Primary methods include but are not limited to: traditional talk therapy, Somatic Therapy, EMDR, Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (Ketamine Assisted Therapy), Family Constellations (Inhereted Family Trauma Work), and Past Life Regression Therapy. I am licensed in Colorado & Texas.



Hannah Shoshana, LCSW


My wellness journey began like many others, in complete and utter sickness; chronically depressed with intense and worsening digestive troubles and no help from the many medical professionals I sought. After many years of suffering I cleared my diet of all sugars, gluten, alcohol and found along with it away went the neurosis of my mind. As I came in touch with my body for the first time, life got easier. I realized I no longer had to “think” as much, I intuitively knew all the right answers. I believe everyone has access to all of their “right answers”, they just need the tools to uncover them.

I recieved my BA in Psychology and Spanish and went on to study for my Masters of Social Work (MSW). I earned my MSW from the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work where my studies focused on Health and Wellness and Integrated Behavioral Health. Prior to launching my pracitce, I worked as a therapist in primary care clinics, working collaboratively alongside doctors, nurses, and pharmacists to provide wrap around, whole person oriented mental health care.

Outside of my individual client work, I feel devoted to integrating Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy into modern psychotherapy practice with reverence and ritual. I offer education & consultation as it pertains to a holistic, mindful, & social justice conscious approach to right relationship with medicine and the medicine space. I work as a Teaching Assistant for Integrative Psychiatry Centers; assisting in the facilitation of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy training weekends for Therapists, Psychiatrists and Nurses undergoing IPI's Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy Training.

I have been trained in EMDR Therapy, am certified in Past Life Regression Therapy under Dr. Brian Weiss, and am a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional (CIMHP), as well as a Certified Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapist, and a Certified Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapist. I believe each of these tools can be used to help access an embodied state of being. Collaboratively we weave these modalities in alongside more traditioanl methods of talk therapy to help you tap into your most heart-led state.


 About YOU

The theraputic aliance is the key to making longlasting change. Ideal candidates looking to work with me may share the following experiences.


  • Have always felt you experience life differently

  • Are willing to see your world in new ways

  • Feel open to shifting paradigms and old belief systems

  • Are spiritual, maybe even the “psychedelic sheep” of the family

  • Haven’t felt seen, heard or empowered to live as their true self

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From clients



Nutritional Therapy

“My goal was to clean my diet and lose weight. I worked with Hannah for 4 weeks. During that time she provided me with all the assistance I could have needed. From identifying unhealthy foods in my home, to shopping for new healthy alternatives, she was there entire time. She was supportive and so informative: Hannah is an expert in health and wellness. I trust her implicitly with my health. She had been an asset to my wellness and I will continue to work with her in the future.”

- Client

holistic Therapy

“I came to Hannah after hitting a wall following years and years of traditional talk therapy and realizing I needed to try something a little different to look after my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Hannah’s calming energy and clear passion for this work made it easy for me to trust the process, and I’m so glad I did. I’d been struggling with feeling stuck, indecisive, and even fearful, never knowing what direction to take in life or how to chose a path. Working with Hannah, I was able to reawaken an intuitive spirit and a sense of self-love and trust that had long been lying dormant within my psyche. Thanks to her loving guidance and support, I broke the cycle of self-doubt that had been plaguing every facet of my life and began to form a new kind of bond with my own intuition. I can’t thank Hannah enough for putting me on this path!”

- Client

Individual Past Life regression

“I was so pleased to experience a Past Life Regression with Hannah Shoshana. She utilized deep relaxation techniques to drop me into my subconscious mind. I accessed the thread of a fantastical storyline of another life in the South Pacific. The memories were somatic in nature, with vivid sensations and emotions. They reflected both challenges I experienced as a little girl and current themes present in my life, lending to a greater sense of understanding, acceptance and coherence.

It was totally fascinating, with moments that were both quite emotional and humorous, and I felt really safe to go deep with Hannah's loving guidance. Whether I experienced an actual life that my soul has lived, or my psyche creatively reframed my current circumstances in an alternative context, the insight was valuable and I feel more self-compassion than ever before.”

- Client

“Hannah holds amazing space, making you feel comfortable exploring whatever comes up in a past life regression therapy session. She is a grounding, calming, and comforting presence. She has the skills, training, and passion to know how to guide you safely and comfortably through to your subconscious memories and help you process the emotions and messages that may come up from them. I had a very powerful experience doing a PLR session with Hannah and would 100% recommend Hannah to anybody curious about exploring this part of their psyche!”

- Client


group past life regression therapy

“I participated in a group past life regression with Hannah with a fairly intimate group of ladies for a Women’s Circle gathering. I wasn’t expecting to go as deep as I did. The past life I visited was challenging- I not only expereinced emotional trauma but felt physical discomfort associated. A physical discomfort I carry in present life. Although challenging, it was a healing experience as I was able to detach from a past life trauma I was physically carrying around with me in this lifetime.”

- participant

The wound is the place where the light enters you
— Rumi



Based out of Denver


Hannah is licensed in Colorado & Texas. All sessions available via telehealth at this time, clients from across the state are welcome to access services!